Together’s NIHCSS services host Easter celebration at Vanguard Court

Earlier this month Together's Norfolk Integrated Housing and Community Support Service (NIHCSS) hosted a joyful event to mark the Easter period as the South & Central Community Teams came together for workshops and fun and games. In this article NIHCSS Admin Volunteer Barbara provides a summary of the day and what that featured.

Together’s NIHCSS services host Easter celebration at Vanguard Court

The NIHCSS service has hosted celebration events with workshops before and this one featured another brilliant session focussed on arts and crafts led by TG who is a person who uses the service. TG is hugely talented and artistic and had kindly led participants in how to make their own Easter decorations.

TG also made so many wonderful craft pieces as giveaways for everyone and some spectacular decorations as winning prizes for their Easter Quiz.

The event featured the craft session mentioned as well as several fun activities namely, Easter quiz* (tricky but fun questions like how many noses does a slug have?), Guess the rabbit name (Bramble), Guess the number of the eggs in the jar, pin the tail on the rabbit, Decorating your own Easter table centrepiece and of course, an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden.


Everyone enjoyed the food from The Feed, gifts, music and most importantly each other’s company. We were also blessed with sunshine so we could throw open the patio doors and enjoy the spring flowers).

This event would have not been successful without everyone’s effort, so thank you Claire, TG, Sally, Sarah, Lois, Raph Julie, Nicola, Barbara, Khloe and all the staff members for making this a reality.

*So just how many noses does a slug have? Four!