Together statement after unrest and violence across the UK

It has now been a couple of weeks since we saw the horrific racist and Islamophobic violence that swept the streets up and down the country, the hate being spread by small groups of individuals. As an organisation working in and with diverse communities across the country, we were appalled to witness such distressing and abhorrent behaviour that left people feeling unsafe and unwelcome in their own neighbourhoods.

Linda Bryant, Together CEO, comments:

I am a white woman. It was deeply shameful to see people who looked like me, white men and women spreading such hatred, being so violent, belittling and devaluing people who have as much right to live safely and happily in the community as they do.

Whilst immediate threats to people’s personal safety may now have abated, fear and the very real impact of racism and discrimination is a part of everyday life for significant numbers of people living in our society.

I cannot stand up and say this is unacceptable and wrong just in reaction to when these events happen. Every day people step out of their homes and experience prejudice. Every day, parents worry about their children as they go to school, meet friends, become more independent in case they come to harm because of the colour of their skin. Every day, I must do everything I can, as a charity leader and as a citizen, to challenge and change people’s thinking, attitudes and behaviours that seek to divide, isolate and alienate.