Willow Tree House Accommodation Service
Contact details
Address and phone
Resource Flat
Willow Tree House
Curie Avenue
01793 497565
Services offered:
Supported housing/accommodation
Peer support
Service Manager: Sam Gorman
Wellbeing and Operations Manager: Chris Cooper
Email: sam-gorman@together-uk.org
Our partners in running this service: The service is a partnership between Together for Mental Wellbeing, Bromford Corinthia Housing Association and the Avon and Wiltshire NHS Mental Health Partnership.
Opening hours: The Project is staffed 24 hrs a day, 365 days of the year. During the hours of 10pm – 7.30am staff are available on site in the event of an emergency.
This service offers peer support.
About the service
Approach and outlook
Willow Tree House is a service consisting of 16 self-contained one bedroom flats and a staff office. The aim of the service is to encourage, empower and support people experiencing mental distress on their journey to better mental wellbeing, achieve greater levels of independence and to feel part of their local community.
Willow Tree House is centrally located in Swindon in the popular new development of Angel Ridge, a short bus journey from both the Old Town and the Town Centre.
People who can access the service
Willow Tree House provides a service for both women and men aged between 18-65.
Number of tenants
There are 16 flats at Willow Tree House.
Average length of stay
There is no fixed length of stay, although part of working alongside tenants is to live as independently as possible and may involve looking at more independent accommodation where appropriate.
Staff team
The staff team consists of a Service Manager, three Senior Support Workers, four Support Workers and one Peer Support Coordinator.
Activities and support on offer
Staff are available to support you with:
- Peer support
- Work/Voluntary activities
- Managing medication/Finances
- Managing appointments
- Liaising with other agencies involved in your support
- Daily living skills (shopping, cooking etc…)
- Managing your tenancy.
Type of accommodation
Each flat consist of a bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen/lounge/diner. All white goods are included and each flat is fully furnished.
Communal areas
There is one communal room that is used typically for meeting and social activities.
Catering and laundry
Each flat has a fully fitted kitchen (including a washing machine) and staff are available to help tenants cook.