NIHCSS Specialist Housing Related Support

Contact details

Address, phone and email:

Suite 8, The Old Church
St Matthew's Road
Phone: 0160 330 5321

Services offered:

Community support

What is the service?

The Norfolk Integrated Housing and Community Support Service (NIHCSS) Specialist Housing Related Support is a recovery focused service for adults aged 18 and above.

It is provided for people who are engaged in structured treatment with Change Grow Live (CGL) and who have a housing need. NIHCSS Specialist Housing Relating Support is a recovery focused service to directly support people in structured treatment around their housing related needs. That can be either individual or shared houses and includes those living with their family or friends (sofa surfing), in hostels, supported housing or who are street homeless.

The support provided through this programme is to be integrated with the broader package of treatment available in Norfolk. The service will support people to keep them engaged with alcohol and drug treatment, working in collaboration with CGL. Together’s team will promote and encourage take up of recovery and work coaching schemes as appropriate.

What can you expect from the service?

NIHCSS Specialist Housing Related Support will provide timely, targeted support to help people engaged in structured treatment with the Norfolk alcohol and drug behaviour change service (CGL) who have a housing need. Key elements of the service include:

  • Working and negotiating with existing accommodation providers to gain access to accommodation, and prevent evictions and homelessness
  • Developing positive relationships with private landlords to access new accommodation options for people using substances.
  • To support people who use the service with rent deposits and first month’s rent, where appropriate, and enabling access to accommodation that would not otherwise be available
  • Supporting people who are using substances to develop strategies that reduce the risk of eviction relating to behaviour
  • Encouraging effective independent living skills (including meal planning and preparation, support with shopping and cooking, and developing healthy eating plans)
  • Promoting equal access to effective care and treatment including developing people’s physical, social, psychological and emotional wellbeing
  • Building personal financial awareness to include welfare benefits entitlement, tenancy expectations and budgeting.
  • Encouraging landlords and supported accommodation providers to have substance use policies which are legally grounded and reduce the likelihood of people losing their accommodation because of their substance use
  • Working with direct access hostels and homelessness outreach providers to support people who are sleeping rough in their engagement with substance support and treatment services.

Making a referral

The service is for adults aged 18 and above who are engaged in structured treatment with the Norfolk alcohol and drug behaviour change service and have a housing need.

Change Grow Live (CGL) can make a referral by completing this referral form in full and if there are any questions or issues please contact

NIHCSS Housing Related Support Referral Form

About the person being referred

Which of the following areas does the person live in:
Preferred method of contact
Is an interpreter required?

About the professional making the referral - Please ensure you have provided your full contact details including name, contact number and email address

About the person's GP

Further information on the person being referred

Any rent or mortgage arrears?
At risk of homelessness within 28 days
Does the person have any known debts?
Does the person have any court action or bailiffs issues?
Does the person have any sensory impairments?
Does the person have any physical disabilities?
Does the person have any carers?
Does the person have any pets?
Is there a gender preference for the person regarding workers?

Risk Information

Is it safe to visit at home?
Any incidents of anti-social behaviour, harassment, neighbour nuisance. (towards others or by others)
Suicidal thoughts/attempts
Substance use
Alcohol misuse
Verbal aggression to/from others
Physical aggression to/from others
Exploitation of others/by others
Sex offenders register
Smoking arrangements I agree to one or more of the options listed below in order to support our health & safety obligations to staff & volunteers (please tick as appropriate) *
Additional Documentation - You must attach a Service User Risk Assessment to this referral *

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

If you have any other relevant documents please attach those here

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

Consent (must be completed) - I agree to this referral and give my consent for Norfolk Integrated Housing and Community Support Service (NIHCSS) to:

Hold my personal details on both paper and electronic recording systems *
To contact the referrer to discuss this referral *
To provide anonymised information to Norfolk County Council *