Southwark Young Carers (Imago Community)

Southwark Young Carers is the borough-wide service for Young Carers in Southwark, provided by Imago Community. Young Carers are anyone aged 8-18 who are taking on caring responsibilities for a family with a long-term illness, disability, mental health, or substance misuse issue. Young Adult Carers are those aged 18-24.

Southwark Young Carers offers a range of tailored information and support including signposting, one-to-one support, in-school support and workshops to enable Young Carers to socialise with their peers.

The SYC Hub is available for you to call Monday – Friday, 9 am-5 pm to talk about Young Carers’ needs and can provide information, advice, and signposting.

Southwark Young Carers (Imago Community)