SLaM Chaffinch Ward (Bethlem Royal Hospital)
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) is the main provider of mental health care in Southwark.
Chaffinch Ward is a 19-bed low secure pre-discharge ward. We provide inpatient treatment and care for men, aged 18-65, who have mental health problems and a history of offending.
A pre-discharge ward is for people who have responded well to treatment and are almost ready to be discharged from hospital. Our rehabilitation treatment service helps male offenders to live independently, or in supported accommodation, in the community.
We work with primary care providers (GPs), secondary care (specialist) services, offenders, and their family and/or carers, to share relevant information about avoiding relapses and future crisis. We also liaise with the health and criminal justice agencies before patients are discharged.